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instrumentation: tenor, viola, accordion, 2 percussion, piano (or for tenor, piano)
year composed: 2021 | 9 minutes
“Aphasiosphere” is named for aphasia, the non-verbalism that often arises from acute neurological events, such as the one I had in September 2020. This piece explores the faces of aphasia –– it begins with the outward presentation of it, which is usually in nonsensical language or syllables; it ends with what the person with aphasia is wanting to communicate, which, in this case, is a cry of anger, longing for the ability to run again; a freely-sung excerpt from Helen Keller's 1903 essay Optimism is places between the nonsense syllables and the cry of anger.


Beauty and rhythm are deeper than sense
They are like love and faith
They spring out of a spiritual process
Nature sings her most explicit songs to those who love her
The keenness of our vision depends not on how much we can see

But on how much we can feel I used to have so much control - what rubbish!
To see my life fall apart has broken my faith.
I was strong; I was fast: I would run for miles in my neighborhood.
Now, I’m jealous of the boys who can run but choose still not to run I was ungrateful just like they are, ignorant of my privilege
I would kill to run again my hair bouncing and feeling the cushioned air below me I’d pretend to fly to fly God I would kill kill I would I would would kill I would Kill go have my life back my life back my kill to live
My life once again how can I will I get my back injured my back it bleeds my back and nerves

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